Consultation & Treatment
An initial visit will last between 1 and 2 hours where a comprehensive case history is taken. Subsequent treatments may last between 45 minutes and 1 hour. Fine needles are inserted into Acupuncture points which are left in for 1 to 2 seconds or left in place for up to 20 minutes. Some patients report the feeling of heaviness, a slight tingling or a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Occasionally Clare may compliment the treatment with the use of Moxa, Cupping, Gua Sha, Kinesiology, Stretching or Massage.
Treatment focuses on the person as an individual, rather than the disease and a diagnosis is only made after careful questioning and observation. This enables the Practitioner to obtain a detailed picture of the patient to help diagnose the nature of the disharmony. Collecting the medical history relies on exploring many aspects of the patients' life, including their eating and sleeping habits and emotional wellbeing. The Practitioner will also take the pulses and look at the tongue which is important in the diagnosis. Once all this information has been gathered, a treatment strategy can be formulated and treatment can begin.
Based on the diagnosis other treatments maybe used. For example if a scar on the abdomen was causing the pain in the shoulder, ScarWork would be added to address the symptoms.